Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Went for the ultrasound this morning, but didn't see the doctor. Awesome new tech there, she really put me at ease. Little Beulah is so cute! She's measuring 7w3d and has a heartrate of 160 bpm. I had an ultrasound at this point with Gregory, but he consistently measured at least a week behind, so he was still a teeny blob without much shape. Beulah has tiny little wiggly arm and leg buds! I am so in love. I started crying at one point, but I'm not sure if it was over the joy of seeing the baby or if it's because I had a really full bladder.

1 comment:

Mrs. Collins said...

I'm so excited for you! Way to go Beulah! BTW, are you alternating he/she or do you just have a feeling its a "she"?