Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I think I'm losing my mind. Here's a summary of why:

1. My mother is crazy, and I think it's contagious.
2. This crap with working from the office has come back up, and with it, my blood pressure has skyrocketed. Where the hell am I going to put an infant? Daycare is damn expensive near me, and I hadn't planned for this at all.
3. Did I mention that I haven't been at this job for a year, so I'm probably not going to qualify for maternity leave? If I have to go into the office, I'm going to lose all of the vacation and sick days I've been saving towards my maternity leave just because I have NO immune system. Craptacular. Which means I'm either going to go broke or have to go back to work 3 weeks postpartum.
4. I have survived the second coming of the plague, but now I'm dealing with daily bloody noses, thanks to having to turn on my heat. Heat, which by the way, serves to keep my entire neighborhood warm because my landlord can't be bothered to put anything but inside doors on the three doors into my apartment.
5. I have lost all semblance of privacy. I live in a two family house, and we have the ground floor. The landlord has decided she's not going to bother landscaping the backyard as promised, but she's going to build something out there instead, with no notice. So now I have like 8 construction workers in and out of my normally quiet and empty house at the end of my dead end street for 8 hours a day. And the backhoe is so close to my apartment that I can reach out of my kitchen window and touch it. We are moving after the boy-child arrives. This is ridiculous for the amount of rent we pay.
6. Grandma is home from the nursing home! Hooray! However, we have no idea if we are having Thanksgiving at her house (with Marc cooking and transporting the food over). So we don't know if we are even having Thanksgiving.

I need a nap. A beer and a cigarette wouldn't hurt either.

1 comment:

Monica H said...

1. My mother is crazy too and I think IT IS contagious!
2. Do they realize what they are doing to you? Why haven't they found anyone else?
3. I will come babysit for you :)
4. Cheap ass landlord! I hope youare not having to pay for the heat alone.
5. That is ridiculous and I am sorry. I know how frustrating that must be.
6. Horray Grandma!!! I hope you are able to spend some time with her on Thanksgiving wheteher you eat a huge dinner or not. It's a time for giving thanks and appreciating the time you have with her. But I do hope you get a turkey a eat it too.

Hey, there's always O'Douls- the non alcoholic beer. no?