Friday, November 9, 2007


Again with the fricking plague. Arrgh. I haven't been able to breathe through my nose since Sunday. I even skipped my OB appt today - it was a choice between sleeping or getting a flu shot that would have made me feel even worse.

Prayers for two different girls this week: a friend out west gave birth via emergency c-section on Wednesday to her baby girl. The little girl has been having seizures since birth and has been moved to a NICU in another city. The mom has been through a lot in recent years and has a little boy at home as well. Another girl that I don't know, but know of, lost her three month old son a few days ago to SIDS. Please keep both these families in your prayers, for their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Ok, I'm going back to bed. Yay for legal viability!

1 comment:

Monica H said...

Congrats on reaching 24 weeks!

I will keep those in my prayers.