M and I went shopping for a suitcase for me for this stupid trip. I can not wait to be home again. I do not like flying, and I do not like traveling. This trip comes at a bad time, but it's the start of a new job that could not come at a better time, so I take the good with the bad. I'll be working normal business hours from home and my phone will stop ringing long enough for me to pull it away from my ear. When I get home, I have a friend's wedding and my first ultrasound (only 19 days away!)
M caught me off guard this morning by kissing my belly and talking to the baby. He never did that much during my pregnancy with G, saying he felt stupid and aloof. I asked him once if he would read to the baby and he tried but felt silly. He said there would be plenty of time and opportunity to read to the baby once it was born. After G died, he felt so guilty - he thought he had so much time... I'm glad that he's pushed aside the silly feeling. I think some days that he is more afraid of something bad happening again than I am.