Thursday, October 4, 2007


Back from the big ultrasound...and we have a three vessel cord! And I guess we have to find a new nickname - it's not fair to call a little boy Beulah.

I'm over the effing moon!


Angel Mom said...

Yay for good news! Congratulations!

Mrs. Collins said...

From a person who knows a lot of what you are feeling.. congrats!!! I know I was happy to hear I was having a boy, but when I found out Andy (formerly Critter) didn't have SUA.. I could have swam the English Channel! Way to go Froggy mommy! So excited for you!!!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Congrats on that boy!

thirtysomething said...

Yes! Great great news!

Kim said...

Congrats on a healthy boy!

Monica H said...

Best wishes for you and baby boy.

My little brother once rescued a tiny frog from our back yard and named him Froggert. Just a suggestion...

Lilypad Mom said...


Monica H said...

Just checking in to see if you are okay. Thinking of you Baby Frog :)